early-morning view from the deck, as I was polishing the stainless
The Captain and I have just completed yet another same-day turnaround—an incredibly tight logistical exercise in an industry where twenty-four hour turnarounds (which seem a great luxury now to us in comparison!) are the minimum standard.
During the hard-driven hours of intensely focused work, it always helps to remember the many small quotidian pleasures of the job. One of the things that kept us cheerful amidst the flurry of scrubbing and the headaches of no-show deliveries and chasing tasks was our memory of the sunrise we were lucky enough to witness a few days ago while anchor'd off the island of Anegada—the shimmering Impressionist pastels of that morning, the luminous silence on the living water.
Well said. Anegada has slowly become (always been?) my favourite stop. When it's perfect it is more perfect than anyplace in the BVI, for sure.
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize you were blogging so much as we've been watching for your tweets.
Your blog is super easy to read and look at. Love the pic with Jez below. Got you some (don't laugh) cute little blue nitrous oxide capsules for Christmas. Happy New Year.
S/V Yes Dear (The Admiral and Lady Ginger)
Thank you so much for the kind words!
ReplyDeleteYes, Anegada never moves from our Top Five Personal Favourites.
I'm only updating every two or three days—have been on continuous charter since I started, so that frequency is working OK for me.
Hurrah for cute lil blue capsules! *\o/* Thank you! Shall prolly write about my espuma & siphon adventures sometime...