03 December 2010

The Endless Sky

When you stand only five-foot-tall in your stocking feet, being hoisted up the mast and into the blue sky is a treat rather than a chore. It took many a long month for me to coax The Captain into saying 'yes' and in truth, he is still reluctant.

I've never forgotten the exhilaration of reaching the top of the mast and the joy of the soaring view, more than a year ago when he sent me up to replace the main halyard of our previous boat. These days, he sends me only a little way up, for smaller jobs, but still, the thrill has not left me.

rewiring the deck speakers
charterbot rewiring the deck speakers

There are so many women on crew teams whom I admire—women who are smart and resourceful, women who can sail and repair their boats as well as they can cook and provision their galleys. My friend Samantha is one of these women—she's a yachtmaster in her own right, as well as a chef. This is how I would like to be someday.

replacing the steaming light
charterbot replacing the steaming light

Crew working life on a boat is more fun when you are constantly learning. Yesterday, I was 'graduated' to two different tools in my [very] beginners' toolkit: a plain and a Philips head screwdriver. This is quite possibly one of the highlights of my week.

going up in the world
the charterbot at work: a little way up the mast, her favourite perch

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about this blog

Occasional vignettes from the life of a charter chef who loves simply messing about on boats.

"I still think that one of the pleasantest of all emotions is to know that I, I with my brains and my hands, have nourished my beloved few, have concocted a stew or a story, a rarity or a plain dish, to sustain them truly against the hungers of the world."
MFK Fisher


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