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I work as the chef and first mate on a 70-foot power catamaran called Skylark that sleeps up to 8 guests. 

Together, my husband (the very able captain) and I have logged over 50,000 nautical miles across the seas.

We have been privileged to complete three transatlantic passages, as well as two extended boat deliveries from the historic Gdansk shipyard in Poland through the Baltic Sea, the Kiel-Canal, the North Sea, the English Channel all the way to equally historic Toulon and Cannes in the south of France. 

This year, we followed both Ulysses and Herodotus as we explored the storied Turkish coast and the Greek islands.

Last year we fell in love with the Amalfi coast, and were spellbound by Montenegro and Croatia—the beguiling contrast between the quaint fairytale towns nestled amongst the spectacular and harshly beautiful limestone falls. 

Summer finds us working the Côte d'azur, Corsica, Sardinia, Naples, Sorrento and the Aeolian Isles.

Winter finds us in the balmy Caribbean, where we have crewed six seasons' worth of sailing charters in the Virgin Islands.  We've also spent just over a year chartering the beautiful Leeward Islands (Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla, St Barths, St Martin, St Kitts and Nevis) and the even more beautiful Windward Islands (St Vincent, St Lucia, Martinique, Union, PSV, the Tobago Cays, Dominica and Grenada). 

Someday, we hope to sail all around the world in a boat of our own.

We still don't know quite how an Australian chef and her English captain ended up in this, the far side of the world. For now, we are content to follow the kindly tradewinds and the impulses of a curious nose.

This is a chronicle of our life at work.

about this blog

Occasional vignettes from the life of a charter chef who loves simply messing about on boats.

"I still think that one of the pleasantest of all emotions is to know that I, I with my brains and my hands, have nourished my beloved few, have concocted a stew or a story, a rarity or a plain dish, to sustain them truly against the hungers of the world."
MFK Fisher


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